Vitamin D and your health

Do you know where we get it? Why is it so important for you?  The name can be a little misleading, as Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin, rather, it’s a hormone the body produces naturally, in...

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When should a tired Mum eat carbs

When should a tired Mum eat carbs

After working with so many Mums over the years as a personal trainer, there are certain health challenges which come with the territory, the unwanted fat gain being one. So in this article, I’m...

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Mums, stress less

Mums, stress less

Question: What do you first think about when you wake up?   Question: What do you think about as you’re drifting off to sleep at night?   Question: Are those answers often stressful...

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A perineal ultrasound experience

A perineal ultrasound experience

As I lay on the physio bed with no pants on and just a towel covering me up, while a physio has her ultrasound probe up my undies and placed on my perineum with four other female physios standing...

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Five daily diet practices

Five daily diet practices

Being a personal trainer, I tend to get asked a fair bit if I make food plans, and I have to admit that I quietly implode when I'm asked... Not because I dislike that question, it's because it's...

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Choosing your childs probiotic

Choosing your childs probiotic

I think when I use the two words, pro biotics, you know what I'm talking about. The amount of spotlight this particular topic of health receives must currently be one of the most heavily researched...

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