3 ways to test if you have a protein deficiency
A full time job of mine, for over a decade now, has been working with people to make changes - to improve their health and their fitness. That sounds way better than me just saying I’m a personal...
How to choose the right postnatal exercise professional
When it comes to ‘Exercise for Mums’, ‘Mums boot camps’ and ‘Post Natal fitness’ there are certain things all women who have had children of any age must know before signing themselves up. Just...
Women will apply more than 100 different toxic chemicals to her face and body every single day
"Do the best you can until you know better, when you know better do better" - Author unknown This quote came up during a talk I attended just last week on detoxification, how to reduce toxins from...
Parenthood, from a stay home Dads perspective
Just last year, in 2016, I chose to back away from my business for 6 months and take a full day off during the week each week to hang out with my son Will. Not only did I massively underestimate the...
Guest Blog: Free child-care for everyone!
By ActiveMumma* After having lived in Scandinavia for the last few years, I had come to take for granted that child-care was free. Yes, you heard me. FREE. Oh, sorry, technically you pay 200 bucks a...
Resistance training for pregnant or postnatal Mummas
As a personal trainer who works with prenatal and postnatal Mums most days of the week, I am quite often asked, “How do I lose my baby weight”? Or, “can we do more cardio so we can burn more fat for...
3 months postpartum
I was chatting to one of my clients today…. she shared with me that she bought the dress she’ll be wearing at her daughter’s christening which is coming up VERY soon. A goal of hers is to look good...
My daughter didn’t taste sugar until she was 2 and a half!
She said, "my daughter didn't taste sugar until she was 2 and a half"! I was impressed! How the hell do you avoid sugar for the first 2 and a half years of life?! The lady I'm referring to is...
Guest Blog: Why is my kid being a little shit?
By ActiveMumma* How do you deal with your toddler as they pull your hair, bite you or slap your face, or worse, when they do it to other kids? How to you deal with your pre-schooler as they have...